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Feminique Milky Mama Lactation Tea

Feminique Milky Mama Lactation Tea

Regular price $35.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $35.00 USD
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Enhance the quality and quantity of your breast milk production while nursing with Feminique Milky Mama Lactation Tea, a 100% natural herbal tea blend. Packed with a nutrient-rich combination of vitamins and minerals, this time-tested formula encourages your body to produce more and “healthier” breast milk for your infant. Feminique Milky Mama Lactation Tea is a natural and organic tea, free from caffeine and preservatives, designed to support nursing mothers in increasing breast milk production. It’s also infused with calming ingredients to help alleviate mom's stress.

Only the best quality ingredients go into Feminique Milky Mama Lactation Tea, which is FDA-approved, Vegan, USDA Organic, Kosher, and Halal Certified with No Preservatives. It is also Dairy, Gluten, and Soy Free.

Ingredients (All Organic and Sanitized):
Chamomile, Blessed Thistle, Lemongrass, Milk Thistle, Lemon Verbena, Red Raspberry Leaves, Nettle Leaf, Fruits, Fennel Seeds, Anise Seeds, Rose Hips, Hibiscus.

To enjoy, boil 8 oz of water and pour it over approximately one teaspoon of loose tea. Steep for 5 to 7 minutes, then enjoy a cup of Feminique Milky Mama Lactation Tea at every nursing session.

Feminique Milky Mama Lactation Tea Feminique Milky Mama Lactation Tea

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